Monday, October 22, 2012

Manic Monday: Part 4

Hey everyone, welcome to another installment of Manic Monday.  Where I give practical tips in small stages to help you take back control of your Monday's, or any day for that matter. 
So far I have covered getting dressed compelely where I encouraged you to get up and dressed before your kid(s) wake up.  A minor change with major impact.  In part two I encouraged you to start your day the night before by laying out clothes for the family.  A huge time saver in the morning!  Last week we talked about my easy approach to meal planning
Today I'd like to talk about your dirty laundry.  Not that kind!  The kind that seems to multiply at night and never be done.  Getting laundry done in my busy schedule has always been a struggle.  I remember back in college when I didn't have a family to care for and it was still a hassle!  I realized it wasn't doing the laundry that I was struggling with, it was my attitude about doing the laundry that was the issue. 
When I realized it had to be done no matter what, things improved.  I never had a problem with the washing, it has always been the folding/hanging and putting away part.  It seems to be that way for most people.  And I don't know what is so daunting about it!  However, I did realize one thing that seems to help and that's what I wanted to share today. 
Do a load every day, no matter what!
As a family of three, we generate at least one small load of clothes a day.  For a family of  5 you might have to do two loads a day.  I usually save all the whites for the end of the week and wash all of  them then.  But I wash everything else together every day. 
Here's the profound thing,  it's really easy to put them away when there is only one small load.  And not just shove them on the couch or toss them on the bed when the dryer beeps. When I don't stick to this, that's when things seem to get out of control.
Feel like laundry is running your life?  I challenge you to spend the rest of this week doing at least one load of laundry a day.  You can do it!
Stay Fabulous,

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